What is it that makes you different from all the other direct sellers out there? And why is it important to be different?

Your difference makes you stand out from the crowd. It gives you the edge over everyone else in your field. It is what will help you relate to your customers and keep them loyal to you.

This is so important in direct selling and network marketing because there are so many people selling the same product as you. Why would someone buy from you over anyone else? Your difference, that’s why!

What makes me different?

I’m normal! I’m not like the other network marketing “gurus” out there that are super confident, extroverted and loud.

I don’t tell people they’re gonna be the next big thing and make six figures in six weeks..

I’m never gonna teach someone to use icky, spammy, dubious techniques to get more sales and recruits or to beat FB algorithms.

What I am is just like you.

I’m relatable, friendly, approachable, down to earth and have been where you are now.

I’ve had anxiety, I am an empath, I had little confidence.

But I made it to the top 2% of the company I was with doing it my way.

A way that worked, that stayed true to who I was and I can show others how to do the same to achieve their own goals and dreams.

Why do I do what I do?

Because I want to change that face of network marketing training from spammy and salesy to fun and not at all scary.

Because I know it doesn’t have to be done like that to have a successful business.

I want people like me – normal, everyday mums – to know they can achieve what they want to achieve.

They can run a successful business by being who they are and not changing a thing.

I’m a network marketing sales and recruiting trainer and I am just like you!

And that’s my difference.

Share your difference with me in the comments here. I’d love to know what it is.

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