Hi everybody, how are you? I hope you can see me okay, today I am live from my office, my, my, my I don’t know what you’d call it –  shed whatever you call it, I call it my shed. It’s glamorous word for my log cabin.

Well, welcome everybody. My name is Anna Green, for those of you that have never seen me before, give you a little bit of an introduction. So I am a Yorkshire lass, who has been in the network marketing industry for the past 17 years. And I absolutely love it, it was the best decision I ever made way back in 2005 now and I learned how to build a successful network marketing business, from a empaths point of view from somebody who suffered with a lot of anxiety back in the day from somebody who was a people pleaser, from somebody who didn’t want to upset their friends and family and that by spamming them with all their problems. And I learned two way that you can build your network marketing business, the way you want to build it without having to drop into people’s inboxes with cold messages without prospecting by having loads and loads of fun. So I now teach others to do this. My Direct Selling Success business, I teach people the ways that I built my business so that they can do it too, in a way that feels right for them that aligns with them.

So I launched this YouTube channel 10 weeks ago, 10 week anniversary.  So I have been doing my most popular series of talks. And that is my grow your customer base 10 Top Tips. And we’re on tip number 10. Can you believe it? Tip number 10 already? Oh, doesn’t time fly. So today, I’m going to recap on everything that we’ve covered so far, we have covered so much stuff. And if you follow these steps, the 10 top tips, you will build a customer base that you love working with, that you enjoy the whole process. So that’s my hope with this anyway. So my first top tip was to have a goal. The second one was to know who your ideal client was. And that’s so important. Number three is go hang out where they hang out. Number four, be you people buy people remember votes. Number five, be passionate. Number six, be visible. Number seven, become that go to person in your field. Number eight, become a relationship builder. Number nine, serve solve and offer and stop selling at your audience. And number 10, which I’m going to cover today, which is follow up.

Oh goodness me this bit seems to be the hardest bit for anybody in network marketing. Anybody in business, I would say, personally, I absolutely love following up with my customers now. But back in the day back when I first started, I would say the first two years of my business if not longer. I did not follow up. I didn’t do it because I was scared. I didn’t do it because I worried about what people would think I worried that I was feeling that I came across this feeling like spammy and, and pushing for a sale all the time. When in fact, actually the follow up is the key part of the relationship building part of your customer base. When you follow up, you are providing a service, you are helping your audience, you are thanking your audience, you are appreciating your audience, you are giving them a good personal service. And this is so important. There’s so many other people out there doing what you do. How do you stand out from the crowd, you stand out from the crowd by providing exceptional customer service so that people want to come back for more.  You build those relationships with people so that they trust you enough to buy again. And that’s where the follow up comes in. It’s really quite simple. And way back in the day, I thought it was so difficult and it’s really not and it’s not about selling. It’s not about following up going hey, are you ready to buy that stuff yet? That is not what this is. This is thanking somebody for their order, thanking them for being part of your community, making sure they’re happy with everything, making sure the deliveries arrived. Following up with somebody to tell them that something that they love is on offer so that they don’t miss out, you are serving your audience. Remember this it’s so, so key. You’re not going in there as a follow up to to sell at somebody hey come and buy my stuff. You are doing them a favour you are doing them a service, you are helping them, you’re supporting them. Remember last week if you watched last week’s serve solve and offer, that is what you are doing in your follow up just the same, serving your audience providing solutions and offering them amazing opportunities to get stuff discounted, to buy that product that they might be running out of, to make them happy, you know all these different things that you can be doing. Just look at it in a different way. And when you start to look at follow up in a different way of serving your audience and looking after them. Your words will change and your mindset will change. You’ll change that thought up here that tells you that you’re being spammy. Because you’re not being spammy. If you’re doing it right, you’re not.

Trust me, honestly, I did the same thing. I worried and I worried and I wouldn’t speak to people and I wouldn’t follow up. And if somebody ordered something, I might say thank you. And that would be it. I didn’t do anything else. I was too scared. However, the day that I grasped this, within two months of actually following up, I doubled my business instantly, you know, in that two months, and it just kept growing and growing and growing and growing and growing, and I got to the top of my company, through following up and providing an amazing service for people and growing my customer base consistently, you can do it too. It’s not overly challenging and once you get the mindset right over it and you get the actions put in place to do it. You will fly, you will fly, trust me, you will. So I hope that’s helped.

Don’t forget to go back and watch the others if you haven’t watched them. I will be back next week with a new series, new trainings, new exciting things for you to learn. And in the meantime, come and find me at my group on Facebook Firect Selling Success. Or if you are Tik Tok, come find me on my new Tik Tok channel. Don’t know what I am doing over there, but come and learn with me at Direct Selling Success Anna Green you’ll find me just search Direct Selling Success and I will pop up but I’m really, really excited to be starting on there, I’ve done my first two little videos without a clue what I’m doing and I’m quite sure that you can come and help me so come and see come and watch, come and follow me like them. Yeah built helped me build my audience over there. And if you need help with anything direct selling and network marketing, you know where to find me. See you all soon.