Do you put off follow up because you’re not sure what to say?
Are you worried about the outcome?
Do you fear the rejection?
Maybe you just forget or put it off because you’re too busy and don’t have time?
Perhaps the thought of picking up the phone terrifies you? (I know how you feel. I’ll let you into a secret. I was like that too!

Did you realise that you’re missing out on a ton of sales, bookings and recruits if you don’t follow up?

And do you realise that you don’t have to follow up on the phone? It’s common now to text or message. Or why not send a voice note follow up instead. If the phone is just too scary, it’s better to do something rather than nothing.

If you need more business the easiest way to get this is by following up with your warm leads and people who already like, know and trust you. Once I had grasped how important follow up really is I doubled my business within 6 months. And you can too.

Here’s my 4 Fab Follow Up ideas to get you started. For more training on follow up and customer service, join The Success Lounge membership to access my Using Customer Service to Build Your Business course.

  1. Get into a habit and a routine of following up with every customer or contact. Start tracking who and when you have spoken to someone using something like Trello or even good old fashioned pen and paper. Follow up every conversation, every new contact. Even if it’s just to say it was lovely to meet you. Looking forward to getting to know you.
  2. Thank every customer personally when they order. Start the conversation with them and they are more likely to feel they can contact you in the future. It will also make your customer feel appreciated and more likely to buy again.
  3. As a direct seller, great customer service sets you apart from others doing similar businesses to you. Take the time to find out if everything was ok with their order, did they enjoy the event you met them at? How are they getting on with the product or service they had from you? Ask for reviews.
  4. Find a reason to follow up. Having that reason makes the conversations flow more easily and naturally. Is their favourite product on offer soon? Perhaps you wanted to let them know so they didn’t miss out. Has it been a while since they ordered? Maybe they need a top up. Is there a new product range or brochure launching? Have you a special event on you thought they may be interested in? Did you see something on their social media that prompted you to get in touch as you have a solution to the problem they are having?

You’ve all probably heard the saying “The Fortune is in the Follow Up” and it really is. So make follow up a regular part of your business and you will reap the rewards.

Anna xx