Hi, everybody, I’m so excited to be here. How are you all? I hope you’re well. For those of you that are joining me live, it’s so lovely to see you. Those of you do joining on replay are probably the only ones gonna ever see this bit. So give me a like, give me a comment, let me know you’re here, that would be amazing. It’s so nice to see when people tune into these things. I can see people are starting to arrive, which is really exciting. So for those of you that have never met me before, my name is Anna Green, I run a company called Direct Selling Success, where I teach network marketers and direct sellers to build a business free from spam, where they feel comfortable with talking to people about what they do, where they get customers, and recruits with easy step by step, simple instructions that you can follow without having to feel like you’re be cringey. So yes, that’s what I do. And my mission is to change the face of network marketing, I want to make it a place where people love to shout about it. They love to be a part of it. And they love it because they know that they can do it their way. So my background 17 years in the industry. And I worked my way from getting my kit, as a brand new consultant with nothing in my diary, no sales, no customers, to the top 2% of my company with my own region, achieving trips and holidays, earning the money that I’ve always dreamt I’d earn. And yeah, I have the experience to teach you guys to do it the way I did it from that shy, nervous, not having a clue person back in 2005, to where I am today. So that is me. If you’ve not yet subscribed, make sure you subscribe to my channel, if you’re not yet in my Facebook group, come and join my Facebook group Direct Selling Success Support for Network Marketers. And also invite your friends to come and see these things, especially if they are in the industry. They need support just like you do get them seeing what’s going on here. So I thought, you know, second time on here live, I thought for the first few weeks on here, I would give you my top tips for getting new customers, because it’s one of my most popular talks that I do. And I do this for teams across the industry, guest speaking slots on their Facebook groups and in their zooms and stuff like that. But I just find that people forget about this one really important step, which is  building the new customer base. I don’t know why we do it, we come into this business. And we talk about what we’re doing all the time to everybody. And we’re really excited. And then for some reason, loads of people just stop. And they think well, I’ve got my customer base now I’m selling to some people, I don’t need to talk to anybody else anymore. I’ll just stick in my little comfort bubble with these people that have already bought from me, and hope that they buy for the rest of eternity. And then if I want to recruit, I’ll get them from there as well. What happens when they’ve had enough stuff? What happens when you’ve recruited everybody that’s in there that  wants to become a paid consultant like you are? What do you do learn, you need to be consistently meeting new people, you need to be consistently building that customer base, warming them up to you building up relationships with them so that you are forever being able to pull new people in to get them to buy, to get them to join your team, and so on. Because if you don’t, that’s when it all comes to a grinding halt. The customer base is the most important bit of your business. That is the bit that you should take action on every single day, every single day. Right? So last week, we talked about starting with a goal. That was my tip number one, because that goal will drive you to go and find them. It will also direct you to know how many new customers you need in your business every day, every week, every month, every year. All the time right. So today, I want to talk to you about that person who it is you’re actually looking for. So a lot of time we think and it’s a really easy and common mistake to make we think, right I have this amazing product. I love it so much. Everybody else will love it from 12 14 15 years old, all the way up to 90 year olds male or female all over the world. Oh blah, blah, blah. We think it’s just amazing and that everybody will want it. You might be right, everybody might want it. But if you try and sell to everybody, what happens is your marketing message becomes bland and boring. And nobody wants to buy.

You do yourself harm by trying to sell to everybody. You need to pick an ideal client, work out who the ideal client is,  that ideal customer, the ideal recruit, who is that person and sell as a market is if you are talking directly to them. Every company does this; McDonald’s does it, Nike does it, Marks and Spencers do it, they all do it. Just the same as I’m going to teach you really briefly, because this is normally like a two, three hour training session, that that’s not going to happen on here. I’ve got like 10 minutes. That’s it, that’s your lot. If you want more information on this, come and find me and I can organise some training for you and I will tell you how we can work together on this. But for now, if you think about your marketing message, as something that everybody wants to hear, and something that everybody wants to buy, like, come and buy this lovely hand cream. It’s great for your hands. Everybody has hands, you’ll want it, it is a fiver. Nobody’s going to want to buy it. It’s bland marketing, it’s boring. It’s like dry toast is how I tend to describe it. So it’s dry toast, you only want when your poorly. You only have it if you really, really need to have it. If you’re really hungry, and there’s nothing left in the house. It’s dull. It’s like cardboard yeah?  You want your marketing to be like Marmite, your ideal customer will absolutely love it and go, oh my goodness, me, I need that. It’s amazing. Everybody else will go, oh, God, no, not interested in that at all. That’s not for me. Maybe they won’t have that like, massive reaction, but they’ll just bypass the message. And that’s my cat falling off the chair. All the animals are gonna go live to you now. So, so yeah, so your marketing wants to be like Marmite, it wants to appeal to that customer, not everybody, just the people who like your stuff, just to people who love your stuff, right? So it’s a very, very strong message that you want to get across  – the dogs. They sit quietly so long  and then they’re wiggling around, you can see them in the background. Maybe I’ll show you hiding behind my cushions, Dr. Pepper isn’t she a darling.  Anyway, so ideal customer, don’t appeal to everybody. You don’t want to appeal to everybody, it’s fine not to appeal to everybody. So how do you know who you’re appealing to? You can either base this in this industry, network marketing on yourself, because you know how much you love the products, you know how they make you feel, you know how to talk to you. And ideally, if you’re good at network marketing, you want lots and lots of people who are like you to come and try and test your products. So you could do that, or you could base it on your ideal customer that you’ve already got in the business. So it could be somebody who saw the product, and went are god they solve my problem is perfect. I love them to bits, they then bought loads, and then maybe they joined as a consultant, you could base it on them. And you base it on what their needs are, their wants, their desires, their feelings, the results that they want. You work out all these things, and you make a massive list massive, as big as you can possibly make it on all the things that they would say about your product, the things that your product does for them, they the like I said, the results that you get from it, the all that they get from it, all those things, but more importantly, it’s all about the feelings, and how it’s going to make them feel when they get it because feelings sell, emotion sell, stories sell. How can you start changing your marketing message out there when you’re talking to people in the street, when you’re at their local events, fairs and events and things? When you’re on Facebook in your Facebook group and trying to get new customers in? How can you start to change that message? How can you start to talk as if you are talking to that exact person that you want in your business? Not everybody. You don’t want everybody? You want all the people that are like this one person who loves your stuff? Yeah? So know who that customer is, spend some time over the next week finding out exactly who that customer is because when you do, you will know what they need from you. They’ll know what they want in your group and what they what they want to see in your Facebook community. They’ll know that they want to be part of your world because you talk directly to them. You appeal directly to them. It is game changing when you find out who that person is. So have a really good think about it, work out who that is because it’s different for everybody and start changing your message to appeal directly to them. Right? Lovely. So if you want more information on this, come and find me. My website links are below. Subscribe for every week. I’ll be here live every week for you guys to ask me questions and for me to give you more tips and training on growing your customer base for your direct sales and network marketing business, and I will see you all soon. Have a great, great Tuesday. And yeah, thanks for watching.