Hi, everybody, how are you this morning? Welcome to my live on YouTube. I am so pleased to be here this morning. It is so lovely to see you. Look how skew-wiff I am goodness me, honestly, you look in the mirror before you go on these things and you’re like what? Well, I was inside. I walked to my office which is at the bottom of my garden. And when? Yeah. Since then, everything’s goneskew-wiff. Nevermind, who cares? Who cares? Anyway, welcome, everybody. It’s lovely to have you here. I am Anna Green. And I run Direct Selling Success, and the Success Lounge Membership where I teach network marketers and direct sellers to sell without spam. I teach networking techniques, sales techniques that don’t make you feel icky that you can be proud of shouting about your company and who you are and what you do and why you do it without feeling all those horrible thoughts. Without feeling like you’re spamming your friends, without feeling like a car salesman. That’s what I do. And I do it with 17 years experience in the industry, reaching the top of my company, hitting all my goals and dreams, achieving the free holidays and the trips of a lifetime and all those things. And I can show you how to do it too. So these first few series on here are all about growing your customer base, I’m doing a series of 10 top tips to help you guys grow your customer base without feeling icky about it. And I thought that would be a good place to start. Because everything in this industry starts with a good strong customer base. If you haven’t got a good customer base to start with. If you haven’t got that increasing all the time, if you haven’t got that developing all the time, and bringing in those new people to see what you’re doing and who you are and what your business is all about. It’s gonna flounder, everything comes from that customer base, your sales, your recruits, your future leaders, everything comes from that. And if that’s not strong, it’s going to be a big uphill struggle. So getting that right first time is important. Hi, Tracy, lovely to see you.

So we’re going to talk my tip number five. So so far, we have talked about having a goal, which is super important having a goal and if you’ve not watched the other four, go back and watch them. We talked about knowing who that ideal client was, who is that perfect customer for your business? Who is it that you’re looking for, because trying to sell to everybody doesn’t work you need to sell to a type of person so that you start to resonate with that sort of person. We talked about hanging out where they hang out. Yeah, I think that was Tip number four, I got these in the wrong order. And then we talked about being you because people buy people. So today we are talking passion. Be passionate about what you do, because passion sells. People will buy into how much you believe in your business, how much you love your business. Why you do what you do if when you share that with passion, when you talk about it with passion when people can see from the outside looking in, how much you love it, how much you love your product or service, they are going to want to know more. This is kind of attraction marketing. And I hate that phrase because it makes you think that you’re kidding people attraction marketing, when I used to learn about it way back when we were always taught that it was a way to kind of attract people without them realising. And I always thought that was really sneaky. So I’ve never really liked the phrase. However, the principle is brilliant. If you don’t do it in a sneaky way. It’s brilliant. Because it’s it’s all about getting people either their problem solved, or that fear of missing out that FOMO. And that’s that passion. That’s what you want to get across. How much do you love your stuff? Why did you join your company? Was it because of the products because you love them so much? Was it because you saw the opportunity to build a business through it was it because well, like me, I couldn’t go out and do a proper job. So I wanted something proper job, something that fit around my kids. And I’d seen somebody else doing something similar. So I thought actually, that would fit. I didn’t go with that company because she failed to offer me the job. I thought that I couldn’t join her because she was the one in the village doing that.

Anyway, her loss. So it’s really, really important to share that passion. Where can you share it though? Where? Everywhere. And this isn’t just about posting on social media, those of you that hear my stuff all the time will know social media is not the be all and end all putting a post up on social media sharing your passion. It’s like a drip feed. Some people will see it. They might scan past it. It’s a reminder it’s not going to ever build your entire business as big as it possibly can be, you’ve got to share your passion everywhere. I’m on YouTube, but I would also share my passion at business networking meetings, at friends’ houses, when I’m getting all excited about what I’ve been doing during the week, oh, I won’t sell at them, but I’ll share how passionate I am about my business. Because why wouldn’t you know, I’m going to try and get them to buy my stuff. But I’m still going to share my passion. And they’re going to be interested in what I’m doing. Because I’m sharing that passion because I’m showing how passionate I am about what I do. List all the different places that you know your ideal client is and go and be passionate there. And this isn’t, like I said, just about social media, this could be the school gates. This could be in fairs or events or bookings, home parties, it could be at the local moms and tots group, it could be at your other job, it could be out in a cafe, in the supermarket. Or I remember a lady telling me and I don’t know whether I’ve told this story on here already or somewhere else. Now I’ve got all confused. But I remember talking to one of my consultants and she said that she’d been stood in the aisle in the supermarket, where similar products to hers had been. And she was sharing her passion with the people who were in that, that aisle telling them how amazing her stuff was. Because she was just so super passionate about it. Not something I could have done, I’d never been that brave to do that. That’s too scary for me. But she was quite happy doing that, because she felt that these people needed to know about her stuff and how amazing it was. And both those people they went and bought her stuff rather than the supermarket stuff. So worked. It’s not something I could have done. Everybody is different, aren’t they? Everybody has that that comfort zone bubble, that they can only go so far till they start to stretch it. Mine would never stretch that far. Never, never never. But it worked for her. She was so super passionate that she was able to do that. And she felt comfortable doing that. So where can you go and share that passion? And how are you going to share it without coming across as, hey, I’m super excited about this business, come and join me. Because that’s not what this is all about. This is about sharing that passion. So that people come and find you, they want to hear more, they want to share into what you’re doing, because they can see how passionate you are. That passion is like infectious. People want it as well. So the more passionate you can be, I mean I am you can tell I’m passionate about this. And I’m hoping it comes across because that means hopefully that if you’re my ideal client, you will think I get her. She’s so passionate about what she does. I’m gonna follow more of her stuff, click subscribe, click subscribe. So that’s how it works, you know, you would follow that person, you would, you would go and find that person that you share that passion with to learn more. And that’s what you want to achieve in your business. It’s not just about the products, it’s not just about the results, it’s not just about solving people’s problems, it’s not just about selling at people, it is about them wanting to follow you. A good network marketer creates a tribe of people. And I hate that word as well. Go find a tribe No, oh, God. Sorry. No. If you create like a following. And it’s not like a religious cult or anything like that, it is just those people who want to find out more who are as passionate as you about the products themselves. That’s what you want to create. And you create that by sharing that passion in your own way. You don’t have to be like super out there with the passion. You don’t have to be really outgoing or anything. I’m quite obvious that I’m passionate, my hands everywhere and you know, big smile. That’s me. But you don’t have to be like that because you will be passionate in your way to attract the people that want to follow you the right people for you. So yeah, don’t copy what I do, because that would just be daft. You’d look really weird. You’d look really weird, like me. But anyways, follow that passion. Go and be passionate share how much you love your products and why. Share how much you love doing, what you’re doing and why and the difference it makes, tell people how amazing your business is without selling it, everybody.

And if you want more help on this, the Success Lounge Membership is perfect for you. Because we talk about this thing all the time in there. We have coaching sessions on this. We have training on this sort of thing about getting out there and spreading your message to other people. Not in a cult like way. Anyway, that’s it for me today. If you’re not already subscribing, click subscribe. I am on a mission to get 100 subscribers before the end of March and we are on day 22 And I’ve got 75 so come on. Get subscribing you’ll hear me once a week, you’ll get an email reminder once a week that I am live on here, and you will not miss a thing. You will absolutely love it, I am sure and share this with your teams. If they need to know how to build a customer base. This series is perfect  for them to watch whenever they feel like it, you’ll be able to share this straight into your team groups, you’ll be able to share it with them, you’ll be able to click the link and copy it and whatever else you can do with it. Yeah, get it shared because I want to help as many people as possible get this right. So thank you very much for watching. I shall see you all soon. tune back in next Tuesday at 9am. Yeah, nine am, it is nine am. or come and find me on my Facebook group. There is a link to click to get a freebie to help you with your attraction marketing for getting recruits. When you click on that you’ll get an entry into my Facebook group if you’re not already there, and a free download that will give you 104 ideas on things that you can put out there to get the ideal teamie interested and share that passion of yours. I shall see you all soon. Bye.