Tip number 8 – Be a Relationship Builder

You’re probably thinking, “What on earth does Anna mean by Be A Relationship Builder? What has that got to do with building a customer base?”

Ever heard of Giver’s Gain?

Throughout the Getting New Customers series we have covered 7 important steps that you need to cover to get yourself out there and connecting with the right people in the right way for maximum effect. Knowing who you are looking for in an ideal client, hanging out where they hang out, being you, being passionate about what you do, being visible. Being a relationship builder is the next step in this process.

This step is all about networking. Being a valued part of a community. Showing that you can help, support and serve others without it always being about selling. Without it always being about you. Giving to your network without expecting something in return.

If someone is asking for help and support in your niche area, give value and advice. By giving free help, you’ll be seen as knowledgeable and it will increase your standing with that person and anyone else seeking your advice. They’ll appreciate you, remember you and may even come and find out more about the work you do later down the line. By giving good, helpful advice with no ulterior motive, you’ll be seen as an expert in your field. When they want further help and support they are more likely to know, like and trust you enough to be the person they buy from.

If they need help outside of your area of expertise and you know someone that can support them, recommend someone. Connect them. By doing this you will be seen as helpful, supportive and a valued member of the community. A team player. Someone who knows people. Someone who is well connected and has a good pool of contacts.

Both the person wanting help and the person you have connected them with will see you as an amazing human being. You’ve helped both of these people out without wanting anything in return. They’ll think more highly of you and remember your name and are much more likely to recommend you or use your services further down the line because of the nice thing you did.

How about other ways you can help support your community by relationship building and connecting them together? Party swaps with other network marketers? Guest speaking slots in your Facebook group? Interviews on your business page? Sharing information about upcoming events that fellow business owners may be interested in attending alongside you?

When you give to your community, it will come back to you over and over. Others will start to recommend you. They’ll share events and opportunities with you.

Giver’s gain.

It’s amazing how the more you give, the more you receive in return. Some more woo-woo that me would say it’s the universe. I just think that the more opportunities you create, the more you help and support, the more others will feel inclined to help and support you.

So take time to get to know people in your community and take an interest in what they do. Start to connect people together who you think can collaborate and when you can, recommend others who you like, know and trust to do a good job.

For more help and support with your direct sales or network marketing business, find my free Facebook community, Direct Selling Success at www.facebook.com/groups/annagreenonline To work with me on a 121 basis, book a free taster on my website.